Ecological Momentary Assessment
We are piloting the use of EMA methods in order to collect fine-grained data to better understand patients’ inner experiences, predict behavior, and create more opportunities for clinical intervention.

Barriers to Exposure and Response Prevention
We are studying numerous putative factors that contribute to treatment refractoriness using novel assessment instruments. Such factors include willingness, repetitive negative thinking, motivational factors, and issues around self-concept.

Computerized Cognitive Trainings
We are currently studying computerized cognitive tasks and their potential to retrain the brain’s initial response to triggers (cognitive bias modification, CBM) from habits of avoidance and misappraisals to approach and healthier appraisals.

Genetics and OCD
We are examining the relationship between OCD and genetics to determine if there are factors that lead certain individuals to experience OCD.

Identity and OCD
Investigation of the relationship between marginalized identity status and symptoms/treatment response.

Sleep and OCD
Investigations of the relations between sleep, circadian rhythms, and OCD symptoms using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and psychobiological methods.

Family Accommodation in OCD
Investigations of family accommodation using novel assessments with multiple reporters.